After watching the movie CONTACT. The class was separated in two groups that are going to debate about a topic:
GROUP 1 is against the statement
GROUP 2 is for the statement
You should write your opinion according to the position - group - you are.
Your opinions will be evaluated and you will have to perform them in a real dabate returning from winter vacations.
well, my name is Eduardo Varas and my opinion is the follow:
the science is a very imporetant to probe somethings about the faith, so if the science cant ivolved why? the church hide some what not want what we know? or have scare about the questions of faith? i dont know, maybe is a posibilities what is hiden some or they want no put un questions somethings about crist.
i in the aspect presonal is what the sciense is very important and relevant in this theme because is important for me comprobe about somethings about crist what i have questions and i believe what the science must abd should ivolved in the faith about theme how the life of crist and the real story how was the acts so to comprobe somethings we need the science to have a probe about a theme what before i say well is my opinion and i wait represent the college so wait what i can do that ok thats all thanks teacher.
the faith is believe, trust in something without to have proofs, and it's important in our lifes, because it sensen to life, since, it give us strenght and motivate to live each day.
without it we wouldn't have a motive to be.
the faith haven't got only a side in relation to crist, because though no to believe in Him, somebody equal have got faith.
Brigitte Rea
The Science shouldn't be involved with Faith, because the Science cheks all the mysteries and everything it investigates is True. The Science tries to understand why everything is like this through experiments, and also tries to see everything so clear. And the Faith, is just it, FAITH. The Faith is believe in something, it moves us to feel a God, to believe in him or her, even without comprehend it, without know if it's a real thing or not. And the Science shouldn't be involved by Faith 'cause the Science has proved something in the Bible were unreal. The Bible tries to teach us wonderfull moments did for a Supreme Person, and the Science cheks these things are False.
Rubén Castillo
Tercero Medio "A"
Teacher, Sorry I couldn't post my answers before. I'll answer here in anyway.
4.) How does the first visit from Dr. Travelyan's Russian patient end?
R: The Russian Patient disappeared! while the Dr was to search the medicine to "save" him, when he arrived nobody was here! the Russian Patient has disappeared!
5.) What explanation does he give?
R: He said that when he has the attack of catalepsy, his mind was empty, without know where are himself! And the next day, he didn't remember what has happened.
6.)How is Blessington killed?
R: The Murders killed Blessington hanging him in the middle of the room, with a rope.
7.) What is the Reason of the murder?
R: He was who assault the Bank with his "friends", and he told at the Police-Men who were the attackers, he told the truth to save himself! And he didn't go to Prison. His "friends" promised him: we'll revenge!
8.) Where did the money that helped Dr. Travelyan really come from?
R: The money really come from the Bank Robbery...
Rubén Castillo O.
3º A H.C.
I believe that if science is involved in matters of faith because, science based our beliefs through their research, science is based on finding answers to our beliefs and without it we could not know the truths about the world that we surrounds.
Faith is believing in something. Scientists must believe in something to prove, because, if not to believe in something that will prove?
Nicole Abarca 4ºA
Science must be over faith in our life
The science is more objective that the faith and can probe with experiments and is more truth
scott escobar
not every we have the sames beliefs and each persons have faith of agreement to the that teach the parent or families most nearby for that the science shouldn't be involved by faith.
Name:Jesenia Lázaro Morales
jajakjakjajakjakaj ....xd
aki esra el post teacher ....
jaajjjajjaj son bromas jejejjeej
hello teacher !!!!
I am :cecilia cofre del :3ºE
I think that on the contrary whether science should involve faith, as it relates to religion and is a god who created the science and all its derivatives.
bye bye !!!
hello teacher.
rivalry exists between science and faith, but I believe that science should also include faith, because there are many things that science can not explain with any method
name: john villegas
Grade: 3ºB
hello teacher.
rivalry exists between science and faith, but I believe that science should also include faith, because there are many things that science can not explain with any method
name: john villegas
Grade: 3ºB
hello teacher.
rivalry exists between science and faith, but I believe that science should also include faith, because there are many things that science can not explain with any method
name: john villegas
Grade: 3ºB
hello teacher!!.
I believe that the science always to had(taken) a rivalry with the faith since the faith in general is given everything what does not have a scientific explanation. But always the scientific thing is for the most part credible that the religious thing
hello teacher!!
I believe that the science always to had(taken) a rivalry with the faith since the faith in general is given everything what does not have a scientific explanation. But always the scientific thing is for the most part credible that the religious thing
felipe delgado
3 medio B
Hello teacher
in my opinion, faith is something that has no explanation in chance science are studies that support into deeds, records and studies that followed over time, so for me is much more credible science that faith
name: Mario Rojas
grade: 3ªB H.C
Name:Sergio Campusano
Grade: 3ºC
I believe that faith does not have to commit to science because hinder all work and research could be done faith is a belief in God and not because tendrian blend the two things
science and faith do not match, I think that science should not get involved in matters of faith, because science has witnessed several things related to the supernatural faith and science can not understand, explain or understand
Name: ariel jara
Grade: 3ºB
Sorry for the tardansa
hagamos que aun es viernes.... =)
In my opinion, I believe that the science and the faith always are going to have a rivalry, but I believe that the faith goes in what each one believes but there are no concrete tests(proofs) on the other hand the science it(he,she) has tests(proofs) mas concrete diego cortes 3b
Because each one has different ideologies the faith is based very much on a subjective and egocentric thought and the science tries to give objective reasons to our reality being opposed totally to the ideologí of the faith
marco zuñiga 3ºE
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