These are some of the students of the Elective Class who participated in the Latinoamerican Fair 2007 at Liceo Domingo Santa Maria. Their stands and the information of each country were worked, studied and shown with high quality.
Congratulations boys and girls... this was your last activity and you did great.
Latinoamerican Fair and English Electivers
Etiquetas: Activities, Cuarto Medio 2007 2 commentsPublished by Teacher Michael Rossel at 12:16 AM
Visiting the English Corner at Universidad de Tarapaca
Etiquetas: Activities, Cuarto Medio 2007 1 commentsLast Thursday, November 23, the twelveth graders from the Elective Class of English visited the American Corner at the Universidad de Tarapacá.
There the senior students could talk with 3 American students who belonged to teh Interchange Program of the University.
The boys and girls had fun talking, telling jokes and even playing cards en English.
We thanks to Larelai Parra to allow having these great experience.
Published by Teacher Michael Rossel at 6:20 PM
SPEECHES: The most famous songs of all times
Etiquetas: Activities, Tercero Medio 2007 5 commentsLast Wednesday, November 21 the students from Elective Class of English (11th graders) started the sessions of speeches en English. This year the theme was The most famous songs of all times.
The activity consisted in choose one of these songs and read it like a speech, changing the rythm, entonation, stress and sometimes the pronounciation to become the song in a formal discourse.

The audience listening carefully all the speeches.

Lorena: Tramoya oficial del certamen
The activity consisted in choose one of these songs and read it like a speech, changing the rythm, entonation, stress and sometimes the pronounciation to become the song in a formal discourse.
The audience listening carefully all the speeches.
Lorena: Tramoya oficial del certamen
Published by Teacher Michael Rossel at 6:01 PM
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