
Task 9: "Lennon's Jealous Guy"

This song belongs John Lennon. Appeared in the album Imagine in 1971 after Beatles' breakdown. This is one of the most beautiful songs Lennon wrote.

First, read it, then, listen it and finally answer the questions below.


I was dreaming of the past
And my heart was beating fast
I began to lose control
I began to lose control
I didn't mean to hurt you
I'm sorry that I made you cry
Oh no, I didn't want to hurt you
I'm just a jealous guy

I was feeling insecure
You might not love me anymore
I was shivering inside
I was shivering inside
I didn't mean to hurt you
I'm sorry that I made you cry
Oh no, I didn't want to hurt you
I'm just a jealous guy

I didn't mean to hurt you
I'm sorry that I made you cry
Oh no, I didn't want to hurt you
I'm just a jealous guy

I was trying to catch your eyes
Thought that you was trying to hide
I was swallowing my pain
I was swallowing my pain
I didn't mean to hurt you
I'm sorry that I made you cry
Oh no, I didn't want to hurt you
I'm just a jealous guy, watch out
I'm just a jealous guy, look out babe
I'm just a jealous guy.

1. What did you feel the first time you read the lyrics?
2. What did you feel the first time you listened the song?
3. Who do you think this song is about?
4. Explain in your own words -in English or Spanish- these sentences:
  • ... I began to lose control...
  • ... I was feeling insecure...
  • ... I was swallowing my pain...
  • ... I'm just a jealous guy, watch out...


Anonymous said...

1 -. the first time that lei the even words that was a matter of a dead man of desperate jealousy that has not taken advantage of its woman and has lost it.
2 -. senti that was a matter of a man melancolico.
3 -. my opinón by the song is that the melodia is very good in the sense of it romantico, but the letter is very melancolica and that spoils it.
4-.a)oración utiliza normalmente cuando ya no sabemos que hacer.
b)oración que utilizamos despues de aber echo algo que realmente no queriamos hacer.
c)cuando hemos perdido algo muy saggrado y para que las personas no los vean sufrir preferimos tragarlo.
d)cuando una persona es muy celosa y para decir qie no lo es usa es oración.

Anonymous said...

1.- the letters of the song describe to a person who were very jealous and by the fault of perdio their pair.
2.- the first time that listens to the song senti that the man was counting his problems with his previous pair but with repentance
3.- the song this good one and I pleasure to me.
4.- a) se refiere a que el hombre perdio el control de sus celos.
b) significa que el hombre no estaba seguro de sus pareja en lo cual sentia que en cualquier momento se podia ir.
c) se refiere a que el hombre no podia demostrar sus celos a su pareja frente a ella en la cual se la guantaba.
d) el hombre admite que es celoso y lo celos lo estan matando por dentro.

Anonymous said...

1.-that one is a person who admits to be jealous, and that this suffered by to have made damage to its pair. And that tries to apologize to its pair.
2.-I feel than this song was composed by a very sorry man.
3.-that this cradle in something real for the composer.
a) yo comencé a perder el control.
b) yo estaba sintiendome inseguro.
c) yo estaba tragandome mi dolor.
d) yo soy un individuo celoso justo, fuera de tiempo.

Marcelo Valverde said...

awnser the first and second questions, sound so much better in the voice of john, he gives it life and makes it beautiful. Lennon is awesome.

"explicitamente", the song is about a man who did wrong and din't want hurt to her girlfriend. But can significate about the men who hurt to the world without think in the thinks whish do. Or about so much thinks, lennon rules!!

a) comencé a perder el control.
b)me estaba sintiendo inseguro
c)estaba tragnadome mi dolor.
d)soy un tipo celoso, cuidado!

Anonymous said...

1-the first time that I could read this poetry of the song not that was treating itself(himself,herself) about a melancholy, sad, remorseful man of having damaged his(her,your) pair(couple)
2-feel he(she) suffers because it(he,she) was treating of a man that it(he,she) damages to his(her,your) pair(couple) who loves and for which it(he,she) ends up by realizing probably already being late.
3-I think that this song has slightly related or pitchfork in something real of john lennon
4-a)la oración la utiliza el hombre cuando no sabe que hacer en un problema y reaccina sin pensar
b) es cuando el siente desconfianza de su pareja y que
lo hace dudar.
c) cuando preferimos no demostrar que estamos mal o tristes para que no nos vean sufrir y no les afecte aguantamos el dolor.
d)se refiere a la persona que es celosa y lo acepta, porque es parte de su personalidad.

Anonymous said...

hello teacher

1) first, this song is good and pretty, but with much verse repetition.
2) second, when listening this song I felt the sensitivity of the singer
3)third, I think that this song is good, since him is jealous, Him it asks pardon to Her by his jealous , because him love her


Anonymous said...

1.this song is very good but it has a detail, is that it repeats verses much. in fact
2.did not feel nothing, but this song rebels to a very sensible singer. very good, he is the jealous one, and requests pardon by its jealousy, because it loves
-Que él comenzo a perder el control.
-Que se sentía inseguro.
-Que tragaba su dolor.
-Que es un chico celoso,que esta afuera.

Anonymous said...


1-this situacion is verywell-known all we have passed by that situationto feel repence by something we said.I think that song is very real and the jealous are always in the humans relations.

2- sadness and melancholy by the rate of the song

3- about the repentance and the pardon, that the type feels by the things that said to his girlfriend.

·comenze a perder el control,es cuando uno deja de medir sus acciones.
·me estaba sintiendo inseguro,cuando se pierde la confianza.
·me estaba tragando mi dolor,cuando se pierde la comunicacion y no se habla de lo que le esta pasando a la otra persona.
·solo soy un tipo celoso,cuidado

Anonymous said...

i feel that this man was so sad just for be a jealous guy and oohh i can't hear this song but i think that is about a woman and i don'know...her boy friend.
+ he began to lose the control
+ he began to feel insecure
+ he was suffering for some thing that he did
+ he was just a jealous guy, watch out...

Anonymous said...

1.- it felt something strange because same I am jealous then I found it pretty although he/she has as a lot of suffering.

2.- I could not listen the song, I sit down it.

3.- it is a very pretty song that he/she speaks of the jealousies and of the pain that feels the man, that is a very common topic it belongs to man or of woman.

4.- * Yo empecé a perder el mando.. que ya no se daba cuenta de las acciones que hacia.
* Yo estaba sintiéndome inseguro... el ya no sabia que hacer respecto a lo sucedido.
* Yo estaba tragando mi dolor... el se guardaba las cosas asi mismo y no las decia , el sufria en secreto.
* Yo soy simplemente un tipo celoso, tenga cuidado... puede que quiera decir que cuando tiene celos es capaz de hacer cualquier cosa.

Anonymous said...

1)i felt that speaking to one type psychopth or ma well somebody desperate euphoric.
2)the singer causer in me one anguishes i listen .
the song nothing because little understood when listen.
3)i think thent what can en up feeling a jealous person.
he seems limitles.

-hacer cosas desmedidas q salen de los limites que uno tiene.
-cuando dudo de algo que hago.
-oculatar el sufrimiento y reservarselo a uno mismo, para que los de alrededor no lo noten.
-que una persona celosa, por los mismos celos se ciega y cometen actos que puedan ser extremas; a veces ellos mismos se sorprenden.

Anonymous said...

The first time that I read the song, I donn't like it, but it gave me a sensation of sadness y that the guy was (desesperado) and alone. I can't listen the song here, therefore I can't answer the second question.
The song is about a guy that, I think, damaged to the girl that he loved for the jealousies.
1. "Comenzé a perder el control.." el tipo ya no podia controlar su vida pues se habia desmedido en sus acciones.
2. "Me estaba sintiendo inseguro..." no tenia confianza en si ni en nadie.
3. "Estaba tragando mi dolor..." trataba de ocultar su dolor o bien hacia como si no existiera el dolor.
4. "Sólo soy un tipo celoso, cuidado..." eso mismo, que lo unico que hace es sentir celos.
Ok, bye

Anonymous said...

Francisco Flores
3ro medio A

Well, when I read the song,I don't liked so much, but when I listened
the song,I undertanded the lyrics a little more better. I think that song is about the jealousies.

-comencé a perder el control; por los celos, el cantante comenzo a hacer cosas sin pensar.

-me sentí inseguro; el comenzo a pensar que tal vez perderia a su pareja por sus celos.

-me tragué el dolor; trataba de no mostrar su dolor y agobio por esta situacion.

-sólo soy un hombre celoso, cuidado; aqui el esta reconociendo su problema.


Anonymous said...

1) when I read the letter of the song I understood q said that the era a very jealous man who apparently q was its woman and who its intention never was to hurt it by its terrible jealousy, and due to that problem q it underwent he felt fear to lose it and never but to return it to see, and that professor always hid his great pain by her 2) I could not listen to the song because file q always left this to me “tries to produce has an extension that does not agree with the file format. If it produces it it can produce an unexpected behavior” when it pressed yes remained patch ..... tries to lower it of Internet but those that I found tapeworm that to pay to unload it, due to this I could not listen to the song. 3) What I think is that it dealed with a man who loved much his pair, which caused that it gave jealousy him, with the purpose of protecting it, during the song salia “never I wanted to hurt to him”. But the man recognized that he was jealous.
4)a) Lo que se me viene a la mente es que su amor y sus celos fueron un impulso de mayor persistencia llegando a un punto que no pudo manejarlo.
b) no sabia si así lo correcto o no, sintiendo desconfianza de si mismo.
c) De que él aguantaba lo que sentia hacia otra persona, el deseo de tenerla junto a él.

Anonymous said...

1.Mmmm good to me I did not like much the song ... =/
In the letter I can appreciate a repentance and solitude sensation.

2.Mmm a feeling of melancholy.

3.I feel that it is about the repentance. John feels by the things that he did to his girlfiend. That sad ...but thus it is the life


"Comencé a perder el control":

John perdió el control de lo que hacía debido a sus celos.

"Me sentía inseguro":

Debido a los celos por las cosas que hacía o decía. El miedo que sentía.

"Tragaba mi dolor":

Era tal su dolor que debido a todas esas cosas que sentía como que empezaba a perder el control y su inseguridad, temía demostrar lo que sentía y por eso guardaba su dolor sólo con él.

"Soy un individuo celoso..."

Después de sentir todas esas cosas además de guardar su dolor sólo para sí, reconoce el defecto que lo llevó a ese estado.

Anonymous said...

hi! teacher
1. - because one feels that espresa somebody like uncertain
2. - not entendia much
3. - because the insecurity that sentia when being with her
4.- el que tenia dudas el no las podia controlar
5.- no confiaba en lo que pasaba
6.-el solo sentia la inseguridad no la expresaba como para no presionar a
su pareja
7.- que el todo lo que sentia era normal no era para sorprenderse es como cualquier persona
bye bye teacher

Anonymous said...

hello "Claudia Berrios" 3ºG.

1ºThe truth is that at the outset not it entendi.jaja. but second you see single me parecio well good that the type is demaciado jealous.

2º Like nonwise which it was single lets to me take by the rate and empece to decide to me many things that happen and e passed with my boysfriends.

3ºBy the insecurity that tapeworm of her for that reason.

4º* that no longer podia to control what sentia.(jealousy). * it thought and tapeworm fear that it deceived it or left it by another one. * that tried to hide what sentia.** nose that pardoned it for being thus porsiacaso it outside did not hope that that jealous.

Anonymous said...

ok ...lets to the questions:

First Answer: i was feeling a little identify , 'cuz im a little jealous too...

Second Answer: i didn't hearing the song , because i dont get loudspekers in the pc... =::::::(

Third Answer:who??? i dont know...

Fourth Answer: ... I began to lose control... yo comienzo a perder el control, ... I was feeling insecure..., yo me siento inseguro,... I was swallowing my como... ¿¿¿yo estuve tragandome mis penas ???,... I'm just a jealous guy, watch out..., Yo soy solo un chico celoso, cuidado... yo creo que todo esto debe ser por su pareja que habia tenido alguna relacion sentimental con otra person y es por eso que recuerda el pasado , antes de estar con ... mmm jajaja... nose muy bien si sera asi ...

Good bye...

Anonymous said...

Carla Sánchez, 3ºE

1. The first time that I read it, I felt… sort of identified, actually.
2. I have something to say teacher. I couldn’t hear the song!!
3. In the beginning of the song, Lennon’s talk about the past, so I think that this song it’s about his ex-girlfriend.
4. “I began to lose control”. Supposing that he lost his girl, this means for me sort of despair, perhaps he didn’t know what to do when he lost her. “I was feeling insecure”, with this, I think that Lennon tries to explain his fear of losing the love of his girl. “I was swallowing my pain”, I believe that he tries to say that he really sorry about all the harm that he did to her, and he maybe can’t let it out. “I’m just a jealous guy, watch out”, maybe he tries to advise somebody else about his jealous. It’s like a warning.

Anonymous said...

1-it is of a died man of jealousy that I do not take advantage of its woman

2-I create that it is the expression of a melancholic man

3-my opinion is that the letter is as very sad but as I do not listen to much romantic music I cannot give a good opinion

4- a) denominacion a la falta de respuesta de una accion
b)falta de confianza
c) no mostraba su pena
d)acepta que ser celoso es parte de su personalidad

Anonymous said...

1.- Really not feel nothing more special that when I read another song
2.- The same response that arrives (no la he escuchado)
3.- have a beautifull leter but i dont like
4.- A)100pre perdia el control
B)se sentia inseguro
C)se reprimia
d)es celoso dice k se cuiden

Anonymous said...

1.- the letters of the song describe to a person who were very jealous and by the fault of perdio their pair. 2.- the first time that listens to the song senti that the man was counting his problems with his previous pair but with repentance 3.- the song this good one and I pleasure to me. 4.- a) se refiere a que el hombre perdio el control de sus celos.
b) significa que el hombre no estaba seguro de sus pareja en lo cual sentia que en cualquier momento se podia ir.
c) se refiere a que el hombre no podia demostrar sus celos a su pareja frente a ella en la cual se la guantaba.
d) el hombre admite que es celoso y lo celos lo estan matando por dentro.

Anonymous said...

1- i don´t feel nothing very special
2-i was in a ciber and i don´have time to listen the music
3-se trataba de un hombre que era celoso y debido a eso golpeaba a su mujer y luego terminaba disculpandose
4- a)que debido a los celos perdia el control de sus actos
b)temia que la mujer no lo quisiera mas
c)se guardaba el dolor que senta
d)justifica que todo eso es culpa de que es celoso

Anonymous said...

Mi nombre es Antonella,y vivo Argentina.
Lo unico que me interesa de este Articulo es el tema de la cancion.Y aquien no le va importa se el personaje historico que canta esta cancion,es nada mas ni nada menos,que John Lennon.
El tema de la canción es que este personaje es un hombre celoso, y trata de justificar todo el dolor que le hace sentir a su pareja,ya que cree que no lo ama,pero al Final reconoce lo equicocado que estaba.

Aguante John Lennon!!!!!

que por mas que pasan los años se siente en sus canciones sus pensamientos,y sobre todo
la alegria que tenia,y que guardo en los corazones de sus ,fans...

Sin nada más que decir un cordial saludo a las demas personas que lean mi comentario

Besos y saludos
