Learn to play the piano. Join your school band or sing in a musical. Take some guitar lessons and start a rock group. If people wonder what you're up to, tell them you're doing something important. You may be making yourself a little bit smarter.
A new study shows that young children who learn to sing or play a musical instrument may gain a slight mental edge over kids who don't take music lessons.
Taking music lessons may help you become a little bit smarter.
The study involved 132 first graders in Canada. The researchers, from the University of Toronto at Mississauga, randomly divided the students into four groups. One group took weekly piano lessons. Another group took singing lessons. The third group went to drama class. And the last group did no extracurricular activities for the entire school year.
All the participants took IQ tests at the beginning and at the end of the first grade. Overall, average scores went up for all groups. But kids who took piano or singing lessons gained more. Their IQ scores went up 7.0 points on average, compared with 4.3 points for kids in the other two groups.
It's a tiny difference, really, and the music students probably won't end up getting higher grades or having greater success later in life.
Still, the results are worth noting, the researchers say. Learning to play music teaches kids how to pay attention and memorize things, and it helps fine-tune coordination and other physical skills. These types of experiences may have positive effects on the developing brains of young people.
So grab a guitar, a trombone, or a violin. At the very least, you'll help fill the world with beautiful sounds. Who can argue with that?—E. Sohn
This article was taken from http://www.sciencenewsforkids.org/articles/20040623/Note2.asp
Make some comments about this article based on this questions:
- Have you learnt to play any musical instrument? Which one?
- Are you agree with this article?
Task 1: "Music Lessons for the Brain"
Etiquetas: Readings, Tasks, Tercero Medio 2006Published by Teacher Michael Rossel at 9:15 PM
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Make some comments about this article based on this questions:
- Have you learnt to play any musical instrument? Which one?
- Are you agree with this article?
FrAnChesca dinamarca
hello¡¡ everybody..is really good the articulate I always think that the music is very important for the brain and soul,is very strange but is true the music make you more smarter and if all scholl give more soporte to the class of music maby we haved more musicions.that is my opinion.bye
1)I play guitar because i like its sound and i like enter in www.ultimate-guitar.com for download chords in guitar.
(article)Is true what the world is better thank to the beautifull sound of the instruments musicals, i like the article because the music the instrument how the guitar are beautifull, i know what the music is necesary for a world good and beautifull, i like will learn to play more instruments and be tomorrow better what yesterday
yes, i play guitar but im not good, my music favorite is rock in english, i like the sound the metal guitar.
i like the article because is the true,moreover the world is better wiht the music,too i like will learn all instrument.
the music do more beutiful the world
First to fall:Yes,I can play "LYRE" and I want to learn play "violin".
2nd.:About the article,The music is very important for our lifes,and too I think that is very important for the brain. Moreover the childrens can to learn best with music.
María Leiva 3°D:
Hello teacher.
First: I don't play any instrument, but I've a guitar, that I want to learn play it. I like sing.
Second: The article was for me boring, but interesting a some because I did not undestood it, je je. Well, I'm agree with the article, I believe that the music is very important, and what good tath the music help to the brain, the music clasic is very beautiful, but the reggeton is stupid, i don't believe that to learn play it help, but well...
I'll take some lesson of guitar in a very far tomorrow.
This is everything.
See ya.
I dont' know if it's good writen(?) my comment.
Rodrigo Ramirez 3ºC
About the first thing:i have a guitar and i know to play a little but i dont practice because it is too troublesome
About the second Thing: yes i'm agree and(i don't know what to say here because i have read the article too fast that i did not understand(to read it again...(about the email, what we must write in it?please email me(rodrigo.r.19@gmail.com))))well (after reading the article)yes i'm agree with that because in chilhood the brain works better and is easiest to learn an instrument and get a little bit smarter
i think this is everything...
-I play one instrument ,this is the keyboard,but I do not play it very well
-I do not think that the kids that play a instrument are better than the kids that do not play any instrument,because is relative to the children,because the children that do not play instruments can make other activities that can up his mental capacity
well...i'm learning to play guitar, for play the clisics song wich y ever want to play...
i think wich everyone can do, what ever hi want...
i'm sorry if the comment is not the best or better, but i am with my mind in another thing
marcelo valverde 3ºe
hello teacher:
in fact the topic leaves that to think. for that it is incredible that the music helps to learn so much the brain overalls the memory.
in short it is in fact not a novel fact ,but the music I don't like it.
no,because I don't like the music.
to agree believes that if ,because is resulthey that check.
Francisco Abarca 3ºB
Hello teacher respect at question:
1)I don't music play instrument,but in ancient times desire musci play guitar, but by foul of time I can't....
2)I think waht be in disagreement,don't see one study or evidence wath the music is good for study..
mmm...for last ..who is the page of Gmail? my mail is mastersadow_01@hotmail.com
im agree with the article.
I´m learning to play the guitar, but i dont play very good, but with practice i will learn very well and I hope I can play it well.
good blog.
bye ;)
hi teacher i was reading your blog
and the article is very interesting.
*the only musical instrument that i had play is the flute just at school , but i would like to play the guitar some day.
* i agree with this article, because i think that play a musical instrument or sing it help us to memorize the songs and it help us to open our brain to learn and be smart .
teacher my e-mail is zonrobla16@hotmail.com
well teacher see you latter
yes,I m learning to play militer flute very good,by the way the to play instruments not only have memory , but also practice and ability
good bye
hi...my name is Claudia Berríos and my classe is 3ºg... and yes although never play instruments,agree in that. always is very important the music for the brain because help to concentration´s... ok the articule is very very... thank you for the articule good-bye.
claudia berrios 3ºg bueno lo que yo acabo de comentar porciacaso no se entiende es ke yo creo que la musica es importante para nosotros ya que ayuda a tener una mejor concentración y tambien nos ayuda a estimular el cerebro... y aunque yo no toco ningun instrumento creo que es bueno e importe dedicar un time de nosotros para escuchar musica o tocar algun instrumento como es el violin y eso era . me paresio super bueno e importante su articulo.. bye bye teacher
yes gree with the tex because of ilike a lot of the music and i like singin
teacher, i like singin in his electivo,bed the cuestion, yes plying instrument, playing flauta, bye bye teacher.
well, is so interesting the article....
i know play the piano but a bit. now im in music class, that is so cool...hahaha!!!
yes....the article is interesting...now i know the solution of my problem...hahaha....really...is good i like that....that help me so much for studing.
that is all....bye teacher....see ya!
...sebastian arriagada...
I agree with the text poque in my life also I have studies but not lessons of music that according to the surveys realized in Canada they speak that the pupils who study music have a major aptitude to develop a part of the brain that a person common and current her(it) does not possess therefore all ever in the life deveriamos to have algun instrument this way to develop this part that we do not use in our daily life.
I don't play guitar, because of I never have the opportunity. but I like very much
buy the way I like the blog
First:sorry for leave my comment too late,because i'm don't have time in all the week(i was buying the things for my birthday).
aboout the first text.
I know how to play the flute(but only a bit ,because i have a little of pascience for this).
about the article:I think that
the music is very important to the brain , because help to the concentration and makes our lives more happy.
See you later teacher!!
yes, i learnd to pay flauta...and i am agree with the text because i listened and watched in the tv somethigs like that...=)
marión veliz 3ºe
yes, the guitar
yes, the flauta
yes xD
my opinion is q the small kids are very intelligent for the reason that jovenes exercises the memory and they do not lose tienpo in playing or others cosas.en its time exercise the memory and to learn but fast of the normal thing.
hi teacher,this article is very important,because show all help learn a instrument and who help a one person whit problems of order and in you life of day a day
if before it touched flauta and the armonica but no longer. and I believe that learning to play it helps to increase the mental capacity of jovenes and to improve its coordination
I think that the children in growth must learn this for which it helps with the future and makes them learn more things
hello to teacher as this I hope that well with respect to the text although I do not touch ningun instrument it must be sierto this of the learning already to teacher good bye...
Andres Opazo 3ºD : Hi teacher , really i don´t like the musical instrument but the text of the I.Q is some interesting.well i don´t now what more i can write. ¡GOOD BYE¡
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